Wallpaper: Latest designs
Explore the latest wallpaper from Morris & Co. which reimagine authentic, heritage patterns from our rich archive, including original William Morris designs.Choose from recent collections such as Bedford Park and Morris & Friends, and stay up to date with our new releases.
The work of William Morris, C.F.A. Voysey, Allan Francis Vigers and J.H. Dearle sets the visual scene for this collection.
Shop Bedford Park Celebrating the magnificent makers of Morris & Co., the inventive craftswomen and men, from radical beginnings to the present day.
Shop Morris & Friends Crafted in our UK factory, Morris & Co. wallpapers are drawn from the original 19th century documents and designs in our archive.
Shop all wallpaper
Heritage Reimagined
Inspired by our authentic archived designs and unseen patterns, our designers are dedicated to preserving and uplifting William Morris’s legacy in new wallpaper patterns. Our ‘new’ creations reimagine and compliment our treasured historic designs to offer a colourway and style to suit every room.